Twenty Four.
At the top of my twenty fourth year, I'm stuck. I'm stuck at a dead end survival job. I'm stuck without a home. I'm stuck in my bad eating habits. Whether I like admitting it or not, I am part of the "Netflix and chill" generation; glued to technology and riddled with anxiety. For as long as I can remember, I've had so many interests that I thought were pointless to focus on, because if I did, that would interfere with my career. I thought that taking time to focus on hobbies would do nothing but postpone success. But I'm tired of it. I'm tired of wasting my days waiting for a Hollywood director to knock on my door. Taking photos makes me happy. Singing makes me happy. Writing makes me happy. Travel makes me happy. Acting is my passion, sure, but why not exercise all my other passions through one big stream of consciousness? This blog is my attempt to fill my journey to a hopeful success with fervor and charm. Let's just call it the amalgamation of all the things I think matter.
So if you're reading this, you may return to your BuzzFeed quiz, but please come back soon, because there's so much more to come!