Here is just a collection of photos from the last few months of my life
that went undocumented as far as The Jones is concerned.
The more I've been photographing faces, the more I enjoy it.
Get ready for much more portrait shots and modeling shots!
Also, if you're reading this and you want to shoot with me, doesn't matter
who you are or how much experience you have, reach out to me and let's make it happen!!
I've been brewin up a bunch of ideas and now I just need subjects to shoot!
Enjoy the photos, and I'll see you soon!
Seems like all I ever do these days is "catch up" on The Jones. Moving forward I'm going to try to lighten the burden on myself. Make posts less important and less summarizing, and more expressive. I didn't start this blog to have an online diary, but to have an outlet to be creative and to be myself. I constantly find myself needing to please here, and that's not what I meant "The Jones" to be. I want to come on here and vent, or come on here and show off photos that I'm proud that I've taken. I'm taking back ownership on this blog and I hope you all stay tuned for what's next.
Thanks for scrolling, friends!
(And seriously, if you or anyone you know wants to set up a fun photoshoot, please let me know! I love growing in this art, and taking people along with me!)